Delias bosnikiana


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 30 (Joicey and Noakes, 1915).
Forewings: The forewing has a narrow black coloured margin, which only reaches just below vein M3 and lacks the apical spots (Joicey and Noakes, 1915). Hindwings The hindwing has some black scaling around the ends of the veins Cu2, Cu1 and M3. The underside has increased costal and apical black colouration and large white apical spots (Joicey and Noakes, 1915).

Forewing length (mm):
 26.5 (Joicey and Noakes, 1915).  
The females generally have a different underside wing surface than the males, by being darker with broader margins on both wings (D'Abrera, 1982). The upper side wing surface is black coloured, with the basal half sparsely powdered with white. The forewing has three large white apical spots, a faint white subcostal streak and some other spots. The hindwing has a white coloured costa. There is a submarginal row of pink-ish white spots. The forewing underside has the basal half white, tinged with lemon-yellow in the cell and on the lower edge. The costa is black coloured at the base. There are large en well defined apical and submarginal spots. The hindwing underside has its outer half black coloured and the basal half green-is yellow. The outer edge and the costa ate tinged with orange. There are bright orange coloured, large, very round submarginal spots (Joicey and Noakes, 1915).  

Subspecies and variation

No subspecies (Pequin, 2021).

Similar species

This species has a similar underside wing pattern as Delias candida, but is smaller than Delias candida (Pequin, 2021).