External characteristics
Forewings: Upperside of fore wing with the black entering the end of the cell but slightly, and mostly bordered by the discocellulars. The white patch in Cell M3 mostly larger than in Delias pheres.
Underside of fore wing with a white cell-stripe as in Delias aroae and not reaching the discocellulars. The white area in Cell M3 larger than in Delias pheres, and the black distal margin narrower on veins Cu 1 and Cu2 (Joicey and Talbot ,1922). Hindwings hindwing as in Delias pheres but with a little broader discal band (Joicey and Talbot ,1922).
There are two forms as in Delias aroae, and these present similar characteristics. The typical form differs on the fore wing above and below in the extended white area as in the male, hindwing similar to male (Joicey and Talbot ,1922)