Graphium rhesus (Boisduval, 1836)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 41-45. Wingspan (mm): 66-73.
Forewings: Upperside dark brown crossed by greenish/whitish lines or bands as follows: in basal area from costa to before middle of hind margin crossing cubitus before origin vein 2, a narrow band crossing mid cell, a broader band crossing upper part of cell and ending on hand margin between tornus and basal most band, narrow line just beyond end of cell and narrow submarginal band from tornus to front margin just before apex; underside similar, but much paler Hindwings Crenulate outer margin and very long tail at end of vein 4, about as long as the length of the hindwing from base to begin of tail; upperside dark brown, paler, more grayish towards tornus, narrow yellowish submarginal crescents, two greenish or bluish/whitish bands : a central band from cost not far from wing base towards tornus, and a median band from costa towards tornus; underside similar but paler and with conspicuous red markings in central dark band.

Similar to male.  

Subspecies and variation

There is some variation in the extent of the black and pale markings; four subspecies are recognized.

Similar species

Unmistakable species.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020