Elodina umbratica


External characteristics

Wingspan (mm): 48 (Grose Smith And Kirby, 1892).
The antennae are black and ringed with white (Grose Smith And Kirby, 1892).Forewings: The upper side wing surface is white coloured. The underside wing surface is white and slightly tinged with greenish yellow at the base of both wings. The base, basal part of the cell and the costal margin are grey of the forewing upper side. There is an outer marginal dark grrey band. The costa of the forewing underside is dusted with grey at the base and the hind margin has a black coloured line (Grose Smith And Kirby, 1892). 

The upper side wing surface is more grey in females. The underside wing surface is stramineous on the base, the costal and out margins, the apex of the hindwings and the whole of the forewings (Grose Smith And Kirby, 1892).  

Subspecies and variation


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