Delias oraia


External characteristics

Wingspan (mm): 63.5 - 83 (Grose Smith And Kirby, 1892).
Forewings: The forewing underside has yellow coloured subapical stripes and the veins are covered with grey-ish white scales in the basal two-thirds. The plume scale is very long (Yata and Morishita, 1979). Hindwings The hindwing underside has a red coloured basal stripe (Yata and Morishita, 1979).

The females generally have a different underside wing surface than the males, by being darker with broader margins on both wings (D'Abrera, 1982). The hindwing underside has a marginal yellow spot (Yata and Morishita, 1979).  

Subspecies and variation

Five subspecies are described (Pequin, 2021). Males of subspecies from Sumbawa have whitened colouration on the forewing underside, the female has on the hindwing all spaces blackened (Yata and Morishita, 1979).

Similar species

This species is very similar to Delias descombesi (Pequin, 2021; Yata and Morishita, 1979), but this species has the longest plume scale of all similar species (Yata and Morishita, 1979).