Papilio aegeus Donovan, 1805


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 57-62. Wingspan (mm): 90-96.
Forewings: Upperside with series of white subapical spots; underside similar. Hindwings crenulate, no tail. Upperside black with large pale gray to pale greenish gray central area, covering 1/3 to 1/2 of wing, stretching from inner margin above tornus or from vein 1b to front margin, outwardly toothed along the veins; underside black, no pale area, series of red submarginal spots and arrow-like blue spots in median area between red spot on inner margin and red spot in space 7.

Forewing length (mm):
 62-79.  Wingspan (mm):90-122.
Forewing, upperside, dark brown to black with series of white subapical spots, or a more or less diffused white band from end of vein 1 curving to costa, or the white band enlarged so as to finally covering most of the wing; underside similar. Hindwing crenulate, no tail; upperside dark brown or black with large white or pale yellowish gray area in center of wing as in male, but not beyond vein 7, with or without yellow submarginal spots and some blue scaling in spaces 1b to 3; underside similar, or white color may cover most of the wing, leaving a black area between vein 7 and front margin, brownish coloring along outer margin, some yellow to orange submarginal spots and black spots with some blue scaling between veins 2 and 6.  

Subspecies and variation

A variable species, particularly in the female, individually as well as geographically; seven subspecies have been distinguished.

Similar species

No similar species.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020