Papilio veiovis Hewitson, 1865


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 58-66. Wingspan (mm): 100-112.
Forewings: Upperside pale gray/dirty whitish, paler in central area, may be extended to 3/4 of wing, veins broadly blackened; underside ???? Hindwings Slightly crenulate, as upperside forewing, darker band in median area, paler, up ro pale dirty yellowish, in basal 3/4 of wing, orange spot at tornus; underside ????

Female  Wingspan (mm):up to 116.
Slightly larger, on the average darker than male, but with larger or smaller ill-defined white area in center, most of the wing may be dark grayish with darker veins hardly contrasting; underside similar. Hindwing crenulate, pattern as on forewing, but with orange spot at tornus; underside similar.  

Subspecies and variation

The variation described is individual, not geographical; although the species occurs all over Sulawesi, no subspecies have been recognised.

Similar species

Does not really mimic danainae butterflies like some other species of the genus.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020