Papilio osmana Jumalon, 1967


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 47-49. Wingspan (mm): 82-84.
Forewings: Upperside gray with veins broadly blackened, darker along margin and in apical quarter, hardly discernible paler submarginal spots and more clearly visible ill-defined median spots, paler in central area, may be extended to 3/4 of wing, veins broadly blackened; underside similar, but ground color paler gray. Hindwings Slightly crenulate, as upperside forewing, gray somewhat paler, elongate submarginal spots in dark marginal band, indistinct orange spot at tornus; underside rather paler gray, with blackened veins and black band in median area.

Female  Wingspan (mm):up to 94.
Slightly larger than male, but for the rest similar to male, only slightly paler in color.  

Subspecies and variation

Not much variation known, and although occurring on two islands (Leyte and Mindanao), no geographical variation has been described.

Similar species

Not really similar to danainae butterflies like some other species of the genus. It overlaps in distribution with the next species, which is definitely darker.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020