Troides plato Wallace, 1865


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 68. Wingspan (mm): 112.
Forewings: Upperside black, broadly bat rather indistinctly paler on both sides of the veins. Hindwings Upperside black with large central yellow area stretching from space 1b to front margin, running through about half of the cell, width of black marginal area less than 1/4 of length from wing base to end of vein 4.

Forewing length (mm):
 78.  Wingspan (mm):124.
Forewing, upperside basal third to half black, outer part much lighter due to extension of the whitish coloring along the veins; underside similar. Hindwing, upperside black with large central yellow field of varying size, filling half of cell or only a tiny yellow spot in cell, always series of rounded median spots, yellow in spaces 2-5 may be darkened by brown powdering; underside black with large central yellow area (intersected by black veins) and full series of small angular submarginal spots.  

Subspecies and variation


Similar species


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020