Troides magellanus C. & R. Felder, 1862


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 82-99. Wingspan (mm): 116-126.
Forewings: Upperside black, white on both sides of veins; underside xxxxx. Hindwings Upperside yellow with black veins, narrow black marginal spots, just interconnected along outer margin.

Forewing length (mm):
 90-115.  Wingspan (mm):136-156.
Forewing, upperside black, white on both sides of veins, but much more strongly developed than in male; underside xxxxx. Hindwing, upperside basal third yellow with black veins, centrally broad black band, extended along the veins to the black margin, large black marginal spots which are interconnected, leaving large yellow U-shaped submarginal spots; yellow color may extend so far as to reduce the central band to partly separate spots.  

Subspecies and variation

Individual variation in the extent of the yellow color, but also a geographic variation: in the northern half of the Philippines ssp. magellanus occurs which is, on the average, a bit smaller than ssp. apoensis in the southern half of the Philippines (the boundary being between Luzon and Samar) that is not only a little bit smaller, but the area of yellow color on the hindwing of the female can be much enlarged. Outside the Philippines the species occurs on Kotoch, a small island near the southern end of Taiwan, from where a separate subspecies, ssp. sonani, has been described.

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source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020