Trogonoptera trojana (Honrath, 1886)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 88-93. Wingspan (mm): 140-145.
Forewings: Upperside forewing black with bluish green arrows at the veins pointing to the outer margin; underside black with briljant blue streak from base to halfway vein 2 and short bluish internervular streaks up to vein 4. Hindwings Upperside hindwing black with five bands of bluish green spots separated by black veins, the band not entering the cell.

Forewing length (mm):
 100.  Wingspan (mm):166.
Upperside forewing brown with white along/ between the veins, slight greenish coloring in spaces 1a-c; underside forewing xxxxxxx. Upperside hindwing dark brown white between the veins as a submarginal band interrupted by broadly black veins; bluish/greenish in center of wing; underside hindwing xxxxxx.

Subspecies and variation

Little individual variation.

Similar species

See Trogonoptera brookiana. The two species do not occur together.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020