Pachliopta polyphontes (Boisduval, 1836)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 53-56. Wingspan (mm): 89-95.
Forewings: Upperside forewing blackish brown, broadly dirty white along veins (making V-shaped markings in the internervular spaces); underside forewing similar Hindwings Upperside hindwing blackish brown, central creamy area consisting of spots in spaces 1c to 5 and cell, separated by black veins, series of obscure reddish submarginal spots; underside hindwing similar, submarginal spots clearer.

Forewing length (mm):
 55-61.  Wingspan (mm):85-102.
Similar to male, but larger with more rounded forewings, and wing markings more extensive.  

Subspecies and variation

Four subspecies have been recognized, based on differences in extent and intensity of the wing markings.

Similar species

The pale markings on the forewing are more strongly developed than in other Pachliopta species.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020