Atrophaneura dixoni (Grose-Smith, 1900)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 62-67. Wingspan (mm): 102-114.
Forewings: Upperside and underside forewing black with inconspicuous pale stripes on both sides of veins. Hindwings Hindwing outer margin slightly crenulate; upperside black, half of the wing, including the strongly enlarged anal area, pale brown; underside black with narrow red patch and sometimes red submarginal crescents.

Forewing length (mm):
 73-75.  Wingspan (mm):117-120.
Upperside and underside forewing dark brown with strongly developed pale stripes on both sides of veins, suggesting that the pale color is the ground color instead of the dark brown color. Hindwing outer margin crenulate, but not developing into tails; upperside brown, darker towards outer margin, indistinct reddish submarginal crescents and band from space 1c to 5; underside black with pink to reddish submarginal crescents and narrow band from hinf margin to vein 6.  

Subspecies and variation

Little variation known.

Similar species

Unmistakable species.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020