Atrophaneura sycorax (Grose-Smith, 1885)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 67-78. Wingspan (mm): 115-122.
Forewings: Forewing upperside and underside black with more or less developed pale streaks on both sides of the veins. Hindwings Hindwing outer margin crenulate, upperside black with a violet-gray area in outer third leaving black, rounded, marginal and submarginal spots,enlarged tornus/anal area white with pink edge; underside similar, but pale area whiter and anal area black.

Forewing length (mm):
 74-88.  Wingspan (mm):126-142.
Similar to male but pale areas more extensive and no extended tornal/anal area.

Subspecies and variation

Varies mainly in the extent of the pale areas on the hindwing; three subspecies have been distinguished.

Similar species

It is the only species in the genus with a yellow underside of the abdomen, the other species having a red underside.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020