Atrophaneura luchti (Roepke, 1935)


The fore wings: Male. Length forewing/wingspan 56-58/94-96 mm. Forewing upperside and underside black, grey on both sides of the veins, filling almost half of the wing. H 

The hind wings:  Hindwing crenulate; upperside and underside black, white area in outer third, black area along margin may be divided into large rounded spots, small black spots in spaces 2-4; large anal fold white on upperside with pinkish outer border. 

The body:  

Sex differences: Female. Length forewing/wingspan 67-68/101-104 mm. Similar to male, but lacking the widened anal fold of the hindwing.

Variation and infraspecific taxa: Too gfew specimens known to give an impression of the variation.

Similar species: Rather similar to the larger? A. priapus, but can be distinguished bya red band on both sides of thorax and abdomen.