Atrophaneura hageni (Rogenhöfer, 1889)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 64-66. Wingspan (mm): 105-108.
Forewings: Forewing upperside and underside black, brownish gray on both sides of the veins, mainly in the outer half. Hindwings Hindwing crenulate; upperside and underside black in basal half, outer half white, but with undulating black margin and large rounded spots in spaces 2-5; enlarged anal fold white on upperside, bordered pink along wing margin.

Forewing length (mm):
 67-73.  Wingspan (mm):111-113.
As male, but gray area on forewing much more extensive,as is the black color on the hindwing, the spots and the black margin more or less touching; no enlarged anal fold.

Subspecies and variation

Little known.

Similar species

Reminiscent of Atrophaneura priapus and Atrophaneura luchti, but the distribution areas do not overlap. In Atrophaneura hageni the base of space 4 on the hindwing is white, while it is black in the other two species.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020