Atrophaneura kuehni (Honrath, 1886)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 60-64. Wingspan (mm): 95-100.
Forewings: Forewing upperside black; underside xxxxx??  Hindwings Hindwing outer margin slightly crenulate; upperside black, enlarged anal area white; underside black with conspicuous red from space 1c to 5.

Forewing length (mm):
 73-76.  Wingspan (mm):114-120.
Forewing upperside and underside black to dark brown with well developed pale brown to whitish areas along the black veins, the pale color covering up to half of the wing. Hindwing slightly crenulate; upperside black with inconspicuous reddish patch; underside black with well-developed red patch.

Subspecies and variation

Few specimens are known of this endemic species of Sulawesi, but still two subspecies have been distinguished, differing mainly in the extent of the red patch on the hindwing underside.

Similar species

Not easily confused with other species.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020