Cressida cressida (Fabricius, 1775)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 40. Wingspan (mm): 72.
Front pale yellow, prothorax pinkish red. Forewings: Upperside almost wholly transparent, wing base black, black spot across middle of cell and at end of cell; underside forewing as upperside. Hindwings Hindwing, upperside black with white band from front margin to inner margin, red submarginal spots 1c to 5; underside hindwing as upperside, but red spots heavily suffused with black.

Forewing length (mm):
 47.  Wingspan (mm):86.
Front black, prothorax creamy-white. As male but colors faded and red spots on hindwing smaller and much paler.  

Subspecies and variation


Similar species

A distinctive species that is not easily confused with other species because of the transparency of the forewing. It has been suggested that the male is mimetic of Pachliopta polydorus, but their main resemblance are the red spots on the hindwing. The female is mimetic of Acraea andromacha, but differs obviously in wing shape and pattern.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020