Graphium wallacei (Hewitson, 1858)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 54. Wingspan (mm): 78.
Forewings: Upperside dark gray/olive green with complete rows of submarginal and median spots, both whitish (median spot on hind margin yellowish), some indistinct whitish lines in cell (a longer one near base) and just beyond cell; underside pale, somewhat mottled, brown, spotting as on Upperside Hindwings Crenulate, rounded; upperside gray olive-green, darker in outer third, yellowish band from costa to cubitus, i.e. across cell, no further markings except narrow whitish curved lines in space 6 and 7 indicating median spots (see underside); underside basal third yellow from costa to cubitus, enclosing curved dark brown spot from costa to radius, with irregular red line inside, rest of wing brown with dark brown rounded median spots capped with white tine outwardly.

Similar to male.  

Subspecies and variation

No variation reported.

Similar species



source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020