Graphium sandawanum Yamamoto, 1977


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 37-39. Wingspan (mm): 56-59.
Forewings: Upperside dark brown/black with semi hyaline pale green band consisting of enlarged median spots, continuous from hind margin vein 5, followed by three separate spot to costato apex, widest at hind margin, at vein 1 much wider than half the length of vein 1, no other spots; underside similar, but ground color brown and outer margin paler Hindwings Crenulate, short rounded at end of vein 4; upperside black, centrally with large pale green semi hyaline area from costa (taking more than half length of costa across cell and bases of spaces 2, 3, 4 and 6 to a narrow rounded point not far from tornus, submarginal spots present as green crescents (in space 7 whitish), no further markings; underside ground color as underside forewing, pale green central area as on upperside, pale grayish submarginal crescents marking the edge between the paler brown outer margin and darker brown field along the pale green area, some narrow red markings in the darker brown area.

Similar to male.  

Subspecies and variation

No variation reported.

Similar species



source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020