Elodina primularis


External characteristics

Wingspan (mm): 51 (Grose Smith And Kirby, 1892).

The upper side wing surface is primrose-yellow coloured. The forewing upper side has the base and the costa grey coloured and a broad black coloured margin. The hindwing upper side has an ill-defined but fairly broad grey coloured border, which is more or less broken into spots. The forewing underside is primrose-yellow coloured and darkens towards the costa. The costa and hind margin are edged with a black line. There is a dark border, which extends further towards the base than the upper side surface. This border cuts off a long subapical stramineous triangular patch. The hindwing underside is uniformly stramineous. The body is yellowish grey on the upper side and yellowish white on the underside. The antennae are black coloured and narrowly ringed with white (Grose Smith And Kirby, 1892).  

Subspecies and variation


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