Graphium monticolus Fruhstorfer, 1897


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 42-45. Wingspan (mm): 62-67.
Forewings: Upperside black with blue band consisting of median spots from hind margin to apex, widest at hind margin, confluent, but uppermost spots separate, submarginal spots vague or clear; underside similar, but ground color brown Hindwings Crenulate, no tail but hindwing longest at end of vein 4; upperside black with blue (upper part whitish) band from costa (where its width is less than half length of costa) narrowing to just before costa, submarginal spots present as blue crescents (in space 7 reddish), no further markings; underside ground color as underside forewing, as upperside, but ground color paler and with some median spots present as indistinct to conspicuous red markings in black fields; red bar near wing base from costa to cell.

Similar to male.  

Subspecies and variation

In C Sulawesi the submarginal spots on the forewing are well visible; it has been distinguished as subspecies textrix, separate from the nominate form in S Sulawesi.

Similar species

Can only be mistaken for G. sarpedon (see there), but the two do not fly together.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020