Graphium ramaceus Westwood, 1872


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 46-49. Wingspan (mm): 73-78.
Forewings: Upperside creamish with blackened veins and margin to almost completely dark brown with only a series of submarginal spots; underside similar, but paler Hindwings margin slightly crenulate, no tail; upperside as forewing, dark brown much paler, dark color never completely covering the wing; underside similar, paler.

Forewing length (mm):
 52.  Wingspan (mm):83.
As the dark form of the male.  

Subspecies and variation

Varies strongly in the extent of the dark coloring. The variation is partly geographic; three subspecies are recognized.

Similar species

Paler forms are a bit similar to species of Parantica (Nymphalidae: Danainae), darker forms are similar to species of Euploea (Nymphalidae: Danainae); both are poisonous. Papilionidae can always be distinguished by the possession of only one anal vein in the hindwing instead of two.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020