Cepora abnormis


External characteristics



Female  Wingspan (mm):70 (Wallace, 1867).
The upper side wing surface is pearly white coloured, with the adjacent parts of the wing as well as the body in a faint greenish tinge. The forewing has the costal margin dusky and there is a large sub-triangular blackish brown coloured apical patch, which reaches from the middle of the costa to the outer angle. The hindwing has a blackish brown coloured border, which does not reach the anal angle. The forewing underside is similar to the upper side, has a ochre-yellow coloured base and a small cinnabar-red coloured elongated patch. The The hindwings are entirely black-brown coloured, with the base tinged with an ochreous-yellow colour (Wallace, 1867).  

Subspecies and variation


Similar species

This species is similar to Mynes Geoffroyi (Wallace, 1867).