Graphium meeki (Rothschild, 1901)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 60. Wingspan (mm): 85.
Forewings: Upperside black, bluish/greenish spots, all rounded and separate, as follows: complete series of submarginal spots (also in space 1a, double spot in space 1b), series of median spots from hind margin to near apex, seven spots in cell and one at end cell, basal-most one continued across base of space 1b to hind margin; underside similar, but ground color dark brown and spots white Hindwings Crenulate, no tail; upperside black with large greenish/bluish patches filling most of spaces 2 to 6, white spot in space 7 and two small white spots on costa, greenish/bluish elongate spot in cell and a small one at base of space 6; underside ground dark brown, markings as on upperside but white.

Forewing length (mm):
 57.  Wingspan (mm):87.
Similar to male, but the spots are bluish, not greenish.  

Subspecies and variation

Little known. Two subspecies have been distinguished.

Similar species

The large elongate spots on the hindwing are unmistakable.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020