Troides aeacus


External characteristics


Forewings: Upperside black, pale yellow along veins from cell to outer marginHindwings Upperside yellow with black marginal cones between the veins, topped with a dark dust in spaces 1c, 2 and 3.

Forewing, upperside as male, but pale yellow/whitish lining of veins much more pronounced, also present in cell; underside xxxxx. Hindwing, upperside yellow, with large marginal black cones, a complete row of prominent median spots and a black area at base; underside xxxxx.  

Subspecies and variation


Similar species

Female rather similar to female T. amphrysus, but on upperside forewing top of cell only pale yellow along veins, and on upperside hindwing marginal and median spots not fused.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020