Elodina argypheus


External characteristics

Wingspan (mm): 44 (Grose Smith And Kirby, 1892).
Forewings: The upper side wing surface is white coloured. The forewings are greyish black coloured along the costa and obliquely across the cell. The hind marginal border is dark and little indented within, it narrows gradually to the anal angle. The forewing underside is silvery-white coloured and slightly tinged with yellow at the base. The forewing underside has a black line, which edges the costa and the hind margin. The costa is above the median nervure broadly greyish black coloured (Grose Smith And Kirby, 1892). Hindwings The hindwing underside is silvery-white and slightly tinged with yellow at the costa (Grose Smith And Kirby, 1892).


Subspecies and variation


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