Delias maudei


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 35.5 (Joicey and Noakes, 1915).
Forewings: The upper side wing surface is white coloured. The apiacal and marginal area on the forewing is black, bearing large white submarginal spots. The underside of the forewing is white with a black area, which is broader than on the upper side. The basal half of the cell is pale yellow with black basal dusting (Pequin, 2021). Hindwings The upper side hindwing has a black marginal border, the underside has a brown-ish black marginal border. The proximal area on the underside hindwing is yellow coloured. There are six large bright yellowed coloured submarginal spots on the underside wingsurfce (Pequin, 2021).

Forewing length (mm):
 34 (Joicey and Noakes, 1915).  
The females generally have a different underside wing surface than the males, by being darker with broader margins on both wings (D'Abrera, 1982). The upper side wing surface is brownish black, with greyish basal areas. There are seven submarginal white spots on the forewing. The hindwing has five submarginal pale yellow spots. The underside of forewing basal cell is two-third yellow and the remaining part is white. The submarginal spots on the hindwing are larger than those in males (Pequin, 2021).  

Subspecies and variation

No subspecies (Pequin, 2021).

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