Papilio neumoegeni Honrath, 1890


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 44-45. Wingspan (mm): 73-76.
Forewings: Upperside black, densely and finely speckled with green scales in basal half, green spot at hind margin near tornus, followed by vaguely defined, green submarginal spots up to apex, bright green spots in spaces 4 to 7; underside basal 2/3 dark grayish brown, fine golden yellow speckling in basal/frontal half, band of broadening pale, gray-white spots (two per internervular space) from tornus to costa, inner margin reaching costa well beyond middle of latter, area beyond band gray-brown. Hindwings crenulate with strong spatulate tail at end of vein 4; upperside black, finely speckled with green scales in basal third, followed by bright green crossband from vein 1b to vein 7, beyond the band black with some greenish powdering, bright green crescentic submarginal spots (not sharply defined) in spaces 2 to 6, sometimes 7; underside gray-brown with golden yellow speckling in basal half, series of indistinct black median spots surrounded by paler coloring.

Forewing length (mm):
 44-47.  Wingspan (mm):70-79.
Forewing, upperside as male but in addition to the green spots in spaces 4-7 also such spots from hind margin near tornus to space 3, together forming a more or less complete band from tornus to space 7 beyond end cell; underside as male. Hindwing as male, but green bnd narrower and submarginal spot in space 7 whitish pink.  

Subspecies and variation

Restricted Sumba. Slight individual variation in the extension of spots, particularly on forewing, in male and female.

Similar species

No similar species.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020