Papilio ambrax Boisduval, 1832


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 51. Wingspan (mm): 88.
Forewings: upperside black, fine grayish lines between the veins at apex; underside similar. Hindwings crenulate, no tail; upperside black with broad, very pale greenish band (indented along the veins on outer edge) from vein 2 to front margin; underside black, inconspicuous red dot near tornus.

Forewing length (mm):
 53.  Wingspan (mm):90.
Forewing, upperside black with central band of white streaks between the veins, strongest in spaces 1bc and 2, where they may form a large white patch; underside similar. Hindwing crenulate, no tail; upperside black, white central area covering parts of spaces 1b to 5 and upper part of cell, indistinct submarginal spots; underside similar, red submarginal spots can be prominent, and lowest part of central white area can be red as well.  

Subspecies and variation

5 ssp Aru to Australia and louisiade arch. There is quite some individual variation and the various forms have been given names of their own, but being infrasubspecific, they do not have scientific validity. The species also varies geographically over its large distribution area in the extent and expression of the pattern, and five subspecies are recognised, of which one (ssp. egipius) is restricted to the Australian part of the range. The other subspecies are as follows: ssp. ambrax (New Guinea and islands around it), ssp. epirus (Aru), ssp. artanus (Mefor Isl.) and ssp. dunali (Woodlark Isl.)

Similar species

Not easy to be confused.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020