Papilio lampsacus Boisdval, 1836


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 60-61. Wingspan (mm): 102-104.
Forewings: Upperside dark brown to black, indistinct paler double stripes between the veins; underside similar, but internervular stripes conspicuous. Hindwings crenulate, no tail; upperside basal half black, outer half with broad, pale yellow (in space 1b dar yellow to orange) , extending inwardly and outwardly along the veins, enclosing large rounded black spots along the margin and smaller rounded black spots in spaces 1b to 5 or 7; underside similar, band more ochreous, indistinct blue lines in spaces 6 and 7 connecting the extensions of the ochreous band along the veins, dark red patch in space 8 on both sides of the precostal vein, which is outlined in black.

Similar to male, a bit paler.  

Subspecies and variation

The species is restricted to Java and geographic variation has not been reported. The female is very rare.

Similar species

Unmistakable because of the pale band on the hindwing. The species P. lampsacus (Java), P. forbesi (Sumatra) and P. acheron (Borneo) differ mainly in the extension and color of the band on the hindwing. Apparently they are closely related.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020