Papilio iswaroides Fruhstorfer, 1898


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 54-56. Wingspan (mm): 97-100.
Forewings: Upperside black, veins in cell inconspicuously paler, indistinct paler double stripes between the veins; underside similar, but pale veins and stripes more conspicuous. Hindwings crenulate with strong spatulate tail at end of vein 4; upperside black with large, irregular, pale yellowish patch from front margin to vein 5, consisting of three spots (in spaces 4-7), the upper one the narrowest, less that half width the spot below it, inconspicuous red lunule in space 1b just above tornus, sometimes also in space 2; underside same large pale spot white, intersected by dark veins, veins in basal third finely outlined in pale yellow, as on underside of forewing, basal half of space 7 finely dusted with pale yellow scales, double red marks in spaces 1a-b and 2, the upper ones containing a fine bluish line.

Similar to male, but markings slightly better developed.  

Subspecies and variation

Varies only in small details, but two subspecies have been distinguished, ssp. iswaroides from Sumatra and ssp. curtisi from W Malaysia.

Similar species

Occurs within the distribution area of P. iswara. Apart from being smaller it can easily be recognised by the pale patch on the hindwing consisting of three instead of four spots.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020