Papilio weymeri Niepelt, 1914


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 67. Wingspan (mm): 117.
Forewings: Upperside black with prominent series of eight pale yellowish separate spots from tornus to space 8 ; underside similar, ground color and spots a bit paler. Hindwings Slightly crenulate, no tail; upperside black with broad, curved central band, toothed outwardly along the veins, consisting of pale yellowish (with greenish tinge) spots that are separated by black veins; underside ground color a bit paler, band reduced to separate spots, the one in space 1b dark yellow, the other ones as on upperside, indistinct blue scaling next to the spots.

Forewing length (mm):
 75.  Wingspan (mm):132.
Forewing, upperside black with band in outer half consisting of separate spots from tornus to space 8, with a violet-brownish white color, yellow internervular stripes along margin; underside similar. Hindwing, upperside black with outer half brightly colored with orange-yellow submarginal spots from space 2 to 7, the one in space 1b reddish orange, suarish blue spots in spaces 2 to 7, and again narrow orange-yellow spots in space 3-5; underside similar.  

Subspecies and variation

No variation recorded.

Similar species

No similar species


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020