Papilio antonio Hewitson, 1875


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 55-57. Wingspan (mm): 96-101.
Forewings: Outer margin slightly crenulate; upperside dark brown, with broad, yellow band of irregular spots from hind margin to base of space 4 and in upper part of cell, three yellow subapical spots; underside similar but yellow more extended, reaching base of wing, four yellow lines in lower part of cell and some indistinct submarginal spots. Hindwings crenulate, large, more or less spatulate tail at end of vein 4; upperside black with large pale yellow area from vein 5 to front margin; underside, pale yellow area replaced by creamy white, veins finely outlined in gray, except in tornal area, grayish submarginal markings, orange at tornus (in spaces 1b and 2) and more or less in space 7.

Forewing length (mm):
 57-60.  Wingspan (mm):103-104.
Similar to male, the pale yellow/creamy white area on hindwing may slightly extend into space 4, the orange coloration in the submarginal band is more pronounced than in males.  

Subspecies and variation

Not recorded.

Similar species

The forewing pattern is not found in other species.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020