Papilio euchenor Guérin-Méneville, 1830


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 65. Wingspan (mm): 113.
Forewings: Outer margin slightly crenulate; upperside dark brown, with broad, yellow band of irregular spots from hind margin to base of space 4 and in upper part of cell, three yellow subapical spots; underside similar but yellow more extended, reaching base of wing, four yellow lines in lower part of cell and some indistinct submarginal spots. Hindwings crenulate; upperside dark brown with broad, central yellow field with very irregular outer margin; underside, yellow color covers about 60 % of wing from base to well beyond cell, with extensions along 5 and 6, darker yellow crescentic submarginal markings in spaces 2-4, same color in spot at tornus and in space 7, diffuse irregular bluish spots in spaces 1b-3 and 7.

Forewing length (mm):
 78.  Wingspan (mm):120.
Forewing, outer margin crenulate, wingshape more rounded than in male; upperside as male, but central yellow band broken into separate spots; underside as male, but yellow band broken into separate spots, pale grayish superscaling in outer part from vein 1 to 5, becoming denser and more yellowish in spaces 6-8. Hindwing crenulate; upperside and underside as in male, but on underside dark yellow coloring much more extended, filling outer part of spaces 1b-3 and 7.  

Subspecies and variation

The species has a large distribution area, ranging from the Moluccas to New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago and varies geographically considerable; 14 subspecies are recognised.

Similar species



source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020