Papilio benguetana Joicey & Talbot, 1923


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 45. Wingspan (mm): 76.
Forewings: Upperside black with following pale ochreous markings: narrow submarginal spots, stripe along hind margin, most of space 1bc, 2 and 3, small median dots in spaces 4 and 5, well developed median spots in spaces 6-8, four stripes in basal half of cell, cross band in upper half of cell, vaguely pale ochreous along discocellular veins; underside similar, but palew ochreous more extended. Hindwings crenulate, narrow tail at end of vein 4; upperside, basal half pale ochreous with blackened veins, outer half black with narrow pale ochreous to orange submarginal spots and very vague bluish black median spots; underside, basal 2/3 pale ochreous yellow with heavily blackened veins, outer third grayish with black median line and orange submarginal crescents inwardly topped with black.

Forewing length (mm):
 50.  Wingspan (mm):84.
As male, but the black color is more extensive.  

Subspecies and variation

Only known from a small area in N Luzon and apart from slight variation in the extension of the markings, no variation recorded.

Similar species



source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020