Meandrusa payeni (Boisduval, 1836)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 55-59. Wingspan (mm): 80-92.
Forewings: Forewing with curved, pointed apex; upperside dark brown with large, warm ochreous central area from hind margin vein 7, covering also upper part of cell, weakly defined ochreous submarginal spots, particularly near tornus, separate ochreous median spots in spaces 4 or 5 to 6; underside entire wing ochreous, slightly darker, undulating line (may be broken into spots), followed by a zigzag median line, which in turn is followed by series of ill-defined dark spots on the veins, some darker spots in cellHindwings slightly crenulate, extended along vein 4 into long tail (about half as long as length of hindwing without tail); upperside basal half or less ochreous, rest of wing dark brown with large, ochreous, submarginal spots and median spots in spaces 1b to 4 or 5; underside warm ochreous with undulating, grayish brown, submarginal and median lines, sometimes some more, ill-defined darker markings.

As male in size and pattern, but ochreous much more extended, covering most of the wings.  

Subspecies and variation

Much variation in extension and also intensity of ochreous color. Seven subspecies have been recognized, three of which occur in the Malesian region.

Similar species


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020