Papilio paris


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 45-53. Wingspan (mm): 75-85.
Forewings: Upperside black, densely and finely speckled with green scales all over the wing, with or without more or less visible band of small green spots (as if speckling is condensed) from tornus to space 6 or 7 near apex, two spots per internervular space; underside dark brown, slight golden yellow speckling in basal third, band of broadening pale spots (two per internervular space) from tornus to costa near apexHindwings crenulate with long spatulate tail at end of vein 4; upperside black, finely speckled with green scales, about one third of wing covered by bluish green patch that stretches from inner margin above tornus to vein 7 or just beyond, widest in spaces 5 and 6 where it leaves a relatively narrow black marginal area, indistinct circular, reddish, submarginal spot in space 1b, no further submarginal markings or indistinct greenish crescents in spaces 2 to 4; underside dark brown, finely speckled with golden yellow scales in basal half or 2/3, reddish submarginal markings, circular in spaces 1b and 2, crescentic in spaces 3 to 7, more or less capped by violet scales.


Subspecies and variation

5 ssp Aru to Australia and louisiade arch. There is quite some individual variation and the various forms have been given names of their own, but being infrasubspecific, they do not have scientific validity. The species also varies geographically over its large distribution area in the extent and expression of the pattern, and five subspecies are recognised, of which one (ssp. egipius) is restricted to the Australian part of the range. The other subspecies are as follows: ssp. ambrax (New Guinea and islands around it), ssp. epirus (Aru), ssp. artanus (Mefor Island) and ssp. dunali (Woodlark Island)

Similar species

The only species that comes close is P. karna, which partly overlaps in distribution. P.karna is, however, much larger (wingspan 100-116 mm), the large greenish/turquoise patch on the hindwing is differently shaped with an almost straight inner margin (instead of the strongly curved margin in P. paris arjuna) and much better developed submarginal spots on the upperside of the hindwing.