Troides dohertyi Rippon, 1893


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 67-69. Wingspan (mm): 105-110.
Forewings: Upperside black, indistinct whitish lines on both sides of the veins in outer half; underside similar, but whitish streaks much better developed. Hindwings Upperside black, no ornamentation; underside black with yellow patch in outer half, covering basal 2/3 to half of spaces 2-5 and penetrating just into the cell, indistinct yellow powdering in space 6 and 7.

Forewing length (mm):
 85-125.  Wingspan (mm):123-129.
Forewing, upperside brown to pale brown, whitish coloring along the veins variously developed, giving the insect a pale impression, basal third always darker; underside similar. Hindwing, upperside dark brown, a little paler along the margin, where small, diffuse submarginal spots may be visible; underside similar, darker, central area around upper end of cell more or less strongly powdered with white.  

Subspecies and variation

Only known from two remote islands (Sangir, Talaud), but no differences are described between the populations of the islands.

Similar species


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020