Pachliopta aristolochiae (Fabricius, 1775)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): (36-)42-48. Wingspan (mm): 70-78.
Forewings: Upperside forewing velvety black, grayish to whitish streaks along veins and in upper part cell; underside forewing similar. 

Forewing length (mm):
 45-50.  Wingspan (mm):78-82.
Similar to male, but forewing more rounded, grayish or whitish areas more extensive and red submarginal spots on upperside forewing well developed.  

Subspecies and variation

There is much variation in size and development of wing markings; up to 20 subspecies have been recognized.

Similar species

The species bears a general resemblance to Pachliopta coon, but is more robust and the hindwing tail is less spatulate. Female Papilio polytes can be remarkably similar, but it has a broader, more triangular forewing and, more conspicuously, has a black body, while most of the body is red in P. aristolochiae.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020