Pachliopta atropos (Staudinger, 1888)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 48-52. Wingspan (mm): 76-82.
Forewings: Upperside and underside of forewing black with grayish internervular stripes Hindwings Upperside and underside of hindwing black without markings.

Forewing length (mm):
 50.  Wingspan (mm):91.
As male, but larger and the forewing is more rounded.  

Subspecies and variation


Similar species

P. atropos is an endemic of Palawan. The only other Pachliopta species on the island is P. aristolochiae in the subspecies brevicauda. The latter has, as its name indicates, short tails that do not widen towards the tip, and there are usually traces of submarginal spots on the hindwing.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020