Pachliopta strandi (Bryk, 1930)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 50-54. Wingspan (mm): 80-86.
Forewings: Upperside and underside forewing black, well-developed pale stripes along the veins, up to filling most of internervular space, black basal area reaching hind margin about halfway. Hindwings Hindwing tail relatively long, almost half length of hindwing from wing base to base of tail; upperside black with more or less developed pale reddish submarginal spots, large white central area covering most of cell as well as bases of spaces 1c to 6; underside similar, submarginal spots generally better developed.


Subspecies and variation

Variation is mainly in the development of the submarginal spots on the hindwing; no subspecies are recognized (but see also P. strandi).

Similar species

See P. phlegon.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020