Losaria coon (Fabricius, 1793)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 59-67. Wingspan (mm): 114-120.
Forewings: Upperside forewing black, turquoise in frontal quarter, bluish turquoise along hind margin and part of outer margin, and along cubitus. Underside forewing black along veins and margins, rest bluish-yellowish. Upperside hindwing bluish-turquoise, veins outlined in black, black margin, black patch from base through cell to beyond cell, and black patch in anal region. Underside hindwing yellowish and bluish, veins outlined in black. Hindwings Upperside and underside hindwing black, with a large white area in the basal half of the wing, at least covering (parts of) cell and spaces 1c-6, leaving the veins black; yellow or red spots at tornus.

Forewing length (mm):
 58-64.  Wingspan (mm):100-110.
Forewing, less elongated, no more than 2,5 times as long as wide. On the average a little bit smaller than the male, because of the more rounded, less elongate forewing. Further similar to male.  

Subspecies and variation


Similar species

The genus is recognized by the long, strongly spatulated tail on the hindwing. The two species in the Malesian area differ considerably in wing shape (the present species has much narrower wings and wing design: the present species has conspicuous white spots on the hindwing, which are completely absent from L. neptunus.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020