Graphium weiskei (Ribbe, 1900)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 39-45. Wingspan (mm): 58-62.
Forewings: Upperside black, green at wing base, small bluish submarginal spots, further markings as follows: large spot covering basal half of spaces 1a and 1b and basal third of space 3, either pink, blue or violet, small blue spots at bases of spaces 3 and 4 and across end cell, green or bluish spot halfway between cell and apex; underside similar, but large spot in basal area white or blueish Hindwings Crenulate, strongly extended into a tail at the end of vein 4; upperside, basal third green, rest of wing black with blue or violet spots in spaces 3 and 4, and at most indistinct, small bluish spots in spaces 5-7; underside rather similar but paler along margin.


Subspecies and variation

Not much variation. Apart from the nominate form only one subspecies has been described.

Similar species

Unmistakable, due to the colorful appearance, at least in the nominate subspecies.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020