Graphium stratiotes Grose-Smith, 1887


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 39. Wingspan (mm): 60.
Forewings: Upperside yellowish white, an elongate black triangle between tornus, apex and a point at costa beyond the cell, within triangle a narrow pale band from costa to vein 2 or 3; black band from costa over end of cell and three smaller, more or less triangular black markings from costa some way into the cell; underside similar, but yellowish color more intense, rather pale ochreous, particularly in basal area, and black markings crossing cell completely Hindwings Margin slightly crenulate, tail at end of vein 4 slightly more than half length of hindwing from base to beginning of tail; upperside pale yellowish, blackish along outer margin, conspicuous red spot near tornus; underside brownish yellow or ochreous with black margin and two fine black lines from costa to tornus.

Forewing length (mm):
 38.  Wingspan (mm):58.
Similar to male.  

Subspecies and variation

Not reported.

Similar species

The species is only reminiscent of G. agetes, but has much more extensive black markings and a much more prominent red spot near tornus on hindwing.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020