Graphium euphrates C. & R. Felder, 1862


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 37-41. Wingspan (mm): 58-67.
Forewings: Upperside outer third or quarter blackish brown with white band from vein 3 to costa just before apex, remainder of wing white with five bands from costa to half wing (i.e. not beyond cell) or (the two closest to wing base) crossing cubitus; bands of subequal width, the basal-most ones a bit narrower; underside similar, paler Hindwings Crenulate, long tail at end of vein 4, about 2/3 length of hindwing from base to beginning of tail; upperside whitish, dark along margin, spots from underside shining through; underside basal area yellowish, intricate pattern of dark spots, among which narrow submarginal spots, towards the wing base bordered by orange yellow.


Subspecies and variation

Markings and color may vary in extent and intensity; three subspecies are distinguished.

Similar species

The species G. euphrates, G. decolor and G. antiphates are rather similar and vary geographically. For each of their subspecies a combination of characters must be used for identification, but it is helpful to know that G. euphrates only overlaps with G. antiphates in SE Sulawesi and with G. decolor in the Philippines, while G. decolor only overlaps with G. antiphates in N Borneo.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020