Graphium decolor Staudinger, 1888


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 38-45. Wingspan (mm): 58-67.
Forewings: Upperside black in apical part, from tornus to about 2/5 of costa from apex; this area crossed by two whitish or yellowish narrow bands, from costa near apex to vein 3 and from costa to vein 5 where it meets the white or yellowish area of the greater part of the wing, so that the black area is divided into three parts, one along the outer margin, one starting broad at costa but narrowing to a point near vein 4 or running further towards tornus and conjoining with the black marginal area, and the third, innermost part that is shaped as an elongated triangle; remainder of wing white or yellowish, crossed by four black bands from costa, the basal-most running from costa to hind margin, the second one running from costa to vein 1 or to hind margin, the next crossing the middle of, but not extending beyond the cell, the fourth one just small peg, rarely crossing the entire cell; underside similar, a bit paler, basal Half of cell with yellowish scaling Hindwings Crenulate, with long tail at vein 3, about 2/3 length of hindwing from base to beginning of tail; upperside whitish or pale yellowish with black, often partly brownish or grayish area along outer margin from tornus to costa; in whitish/yellowish area markings of underside shining through; underside with intricate pattern of lines and spots, series of orange yellow submarginal spots, bordered by narrow black line at distal end of orange yellow spots, basal part of wing yellowish.

Forewing length (mm):
 41-50.  Wingspan (mm):66-76.
Similar to male.  

Subspecies and variation

There is some variation in the extent of the black markings and the intensity of the colors. Four subspecies are recognised by Tsukada and Nishiyama, but one of them, euphratoides, is considered a separate species by other authors.

Similar species


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020