Graphium aristeus (Stoll, 1780)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 30-37. Wingspan (mm): 48-61.
Forewings: Upperside outer half dark brown, series of narrow, whitish, submarginal spots from tornus to front margin just before apex, lower spots (up to space 3 or 4) slightly hollow outwardly; remainder of wing whitish with a slightly greenish tinge, crossed by five dark brown bands, the first (near the wing base) always, the second usually crossing the wing from front margin to hind margin, the third and sometimes the fourth from front margin to just beyond the cell, the fifth over the distal end of the cell; underside similar but paler. Hindwings Hindwing with crenulate margin and long tail at end of vein 4; upperside dark brown in outer third, paler towards tornus, with narrow whitish submarginal crescents, rest of wing whitish with a slight greenish tinge, with central dark brown band from halfway costa to shortly before tornus (and with indistinct pale yellowish markings), and a dark brown band from costa near wing base to the end of vein 1b; underside similar but much paler and with red markings in the central band.

Forewing length (mm):
 42.  Wingspan (mm):64.
Similar to male; slightly larger  

Subspecies and variation

Much variation in the extension of the dark brown color, from filling most of the wings to leaving most of the wings greenish/whitish. Eight subspecies are recognized of which seven in the Malaysian area; palest form ssp. puella from Sumatra, darkest form ssp. erebos from Sumbawa.

Similar species

Not like any other species.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020