Graphium antiphates (Cramer, 1775)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 39-44. Wingspan (mm): 52-68.
Forewings: Upperside white with seven brown to black bands from costa as follows: the first five from wing base do not extend beyond the cell, the sixth has the shape of an elongate triangle ending on vein 3 or merging with the seventh band, the black border along the outer margin; underside similar, white in basal half of cell or entire front area more or less yellowish Hindwings Crenulate, long tail at end of vein 4, almost 3/4 length of hindwing from base to beginning of tail; upperside white, narrowly dark along margin, pattern of underside vaguely shining through the white area; underside mostly pale yellowish with intricate pattern of lines and dark spots, series of yellow submarginal spots from tornus to costa, externally bordered by small black spots or lines.

Forewing length (mm):
 41-45.  Wingspan (mm):64-67.
Similar to male.  

Subspecies and variation

Much variation in the extent of the markings and the intensity of the colors. Eight subspecies are recognized.

Similar species

See under G. euphrayes.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020