Graphium agetes (Westwood, 1843)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 33-43. Wingspan (mm): 52-61.
Forewings: Upperside pale yellow, more or less pale grayish in outer third, black bands as follows: one near wing base from costa to hind margin, two from costa crossing the cell (the second may continue to vein 1), one from costa along cell to origin vein 5, one long band from costa to near tornus where it fuses with the narrow marginal band, the two latter band enclosing a pale grayish elongate triangular area; underside similar Hindwings shallowly crenulate, long tail at end of vein 4, length 2/3 of length of hindwing from wing bse to beginning of tail; upperside pale yellow with narrow black margin and elongate red spot at tornus, markings of the underside shining though pale yellow surface; underside as upperside but with two narrow black bands, one from costa near wing base to tornus, the other one from costa at 1/3 from wing base to tornus.

Forewing length (mm):
 41.  Wingspan (mm):61.

Subspecies and variation


Similar species

The only species that comes close is G. stratiotes, which, however, has much heavier black markings.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020